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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Right Brain Business Plan - Review

Right Brain Business Plan - a recommended book, right brain planning kit and course


Do you somehow think that your current business planning methodology is absolutely boring, a necessary evil, something you do only because funders require it? You look at those business plans crafted by MBAs and you sigh, gosh, these things are simply beyond you.

Stop sighing. The Right Brain Business Plan is for people exactly just like you! It is a business planning methodology crafted for people with oozing creative talents, who find linear thinking too limiting and suffocating, and who find black and white sheets deplorable. With this methodology, you can have something fancy, colorful and creative -- and proudly call it YOUR business plan.



  • eCourse: $207-$287
  • Kit+Book: $55.95
  • Kit only: $39.95

RATING: ✭✭✭✭✩

Excited? Click this now and get into action.


What Tony Buzan does with brainstorming (yes, Mind Mapping, and I'm a big fan of it), Jennifer Lee does with business planning.

Colors play a role in my perception. I would highlight my notes and plans to make the black and white thing look more interesting. I look at the most colorful part of my document (Gantt chart or check list, for instance) and know what is the hottest issue or the most urgent thing to do for the week or month. Who else does this?

Now imagine how Walt Disney and Steven Spielberg would have done it? The fact is, people have a right brain, some more active than the others.

Jennifer Lee went way beyond highlighters and altered not just the fonts and color of the paper, but the whole physical structure of the plan itself! It took some unlearning on my side to get over the initial feeling of awkwardness (you'd feel this, and Jennifer knows this, so don't worry).

But when I finally got it, man, it was a blast! Beyond "knowing" my business plan, I was "feeling" it through my senses. Right-brained people and even those with equal mix of left- and right-brain orientation (that's me!) would go gung-ho with that.


  • drop-dead straight to the point (of doing business) planning methodology -- I mean, you'd be surprised!
  • feelings and personality of the planner are fully expressed, not sanitized, unlike almost all existing planning methodologies available
  • free flowing or loosely structured, allowing a lot of creativity to flow in without veering away from the ultimate purpose of the plan
  • very handy output that can be readily picked up, reviewed and revised, unlike most thick-book-with-an-executive-summary methodologies with dont-touch-me neatness


  • This is not for everybody. A lot of unlearning need to be done by those who have been soaked up in conventional business planning methodologies
  • This is tougher than you think. A lot of relearning needs to be done by those who have been shaped for years by conventional business styles in lieu of personal style
  • The way the book and the kit are being packaged make the product most appealing to women and children (the first time I stumbled into this product, it didn't help that I'm an adult guy ... but, hey, don't judge this product by its cover or packaging)
  • The cost of the kit and the eCourse are prohibitive. You better be genuinely interested in this methodology before taking the plunge (but come to think of it, perhaps Jennifer Lee wants to train ONLY those kinds of people)


If you find your existing business plan boring, then click this now and enroll in the Right Brain Business Plan eCourse. Don't waste time. The cost of the eCourse or the book are nothing compared to what you would lose by not operating with a "living" and "breathing" business plan.

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