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Monday, August 8, 2011

GURU MasterClass by Eben Pagan - Review

The GURU MasterClass is Eben Pagan's latest training program for authors, speakers, coaches and experts who want to learn how to publish information products online. The main body of the program is a series of live webinars and online video training over 90 days.


The first time I heard of Eban Pagan, I naively remarked that, oh, he was just one of those 'gurus' that teach you how to make money online. That may not be wrong, but I sadly missed the precious sizzle.

I found out later that in one of his latest campaigns alone, 120,000 people signed up to be part of his email list. In fact, he had 10 million in all his lists to date. That bothered me. What did these big numbers of people see that I didn't?

The answer was simple. The first time I heard about Eben, I was not very serious about adding value to people's lives through information marketing. I was interested only in making money online. There's a shade of difference there, and that's what you're gonna learn in the upcoming GURU MasterClass.


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Parenting and Discipline with Parent Coach Plan - Review

Parent Coach Plan is a manual about parenting and discipline designed for all parents and is most useful for those who are struggling about imposing discipline to their teenage kids.


The Parent Coach Plan reminds me of how my parents have raised me up as a kid - "tough love!" Sometimes I think they wrote this manual and hid that fact from me. When I told them that, all they said was, "Thanks for the complement, son. That has just made everything worth all those trouble." Then they chuckled to the tune of, "Now, it's your turn."

So, you think parenting is easy, huh? Ask my parents. Better yet, ask your own. You don't need me to tell you.

Many of us ask, how did our good parents do it? To find out, you have two options: spend days with your parents to let them tell you (and squirm in front of them at the mention of how you made their life miserable, once upon a time) or follow this manual. The choice is yours.


Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Anger Coach - Review

The Anger Coach offers books, eBooks and CDs, as well as classes on anger management by Dr. Fiore and Associates. The classes are held in 50 States of the USA


At first I thought the term "anger management" is an oxymoron. I mean, anger is about outbursts. To be graphic about it, do you "manage" a volcanic eruption?

After finding out the truth about anger, I don't ask those questions any longer. Anger management is not about suppressing the human emotion of anger. Rather, it is about expressing the emotion in a manner that builds relationships, be it personal or professional.

To use the imagery above in describing Anger Coach, yes you don't suppress lava from flowing out of a volcano's mouth. But you can make decisions on where to build your house. Most interestingly, you can build hot springs to help you release the heat gradually and constructively and avoid pent up emotions from ruining your life.


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Action Marketing Plan at ActionPlan.com - Review

ActionPlan.com is an action marketing plan membership program for independent professionals who want to attract more clients to their businesses.


This course is a marketing membership program designed for independent professionals, such as consultants, speakers, coaches, trainers, therapists, ophthalmologists, writers, performers, designers, financial planners, accountants, attorneys, doctors, dentists, veterinarians, architects and engineers. It is for any professional service business owner who wants to attract more clients and fill their calendar with dollar-earning hours.

No doubt, you're sincere about helping others with your expertise. But a good portion of you psyche is abuzz with perceptions that sales and marketing are something that you cannot do well and therefore you will not do even with a gun pointed at your head.

When you discover that such perceptions are nothing but flies buzzing around a dung heap, you discover ways of marketing yourself and selling your services, while always and forever being ... your name ... the most helpful ... your profession ... in ... your State or city ... that the world would ever know.


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

ProWorkFlow Easy Project Management - Review

ProWorkFlow Easy Project Management is a subscription-based online tool for tracking the progress of tasks in an organized setting of any size.


Growing big in business has its hazards, I just found out. For one thing, you'll realize that you're always on your phone, following up people. It would seem like nothing moves without you hissing on someone's back.

With Proworkflow, you don't have to do that. People -- including you and me -- are more effective when given sufficient space. But people still need to be guided closely, wherever they are, using a system that they can easily learn and adopt. That's what ProfWorkflow is all about.


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