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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Action Marketing Plan at ActionPlan.com - Review

ActionPlan.com is an action marketing plan membership program for independent professionals who want to attract more clients to their businesses.


This course is a marketing membership program designed for independent professionals, such as consultants, speakers, coaches, trainers, therapists, ophthalmologists, writers, performers, designers, financial planners, accountants, attorneys, doctors, dentists, veterinarians, architects and engineers. It is for any professional service business owner who wants to attract more clients and fill their calendar with dollar-earning hours.

No doubt, you're sincere about helping others with your expertise. But a good portion of you psyche is abuzz with perceptions that sales and marketing are something that you cannot do well and therefore you will not do even with a gun pointed at your head.

When you discover that such perceptions are nothing but flies buzzing around a dung heap, you discover ways of marketing yourself and selling your services, while always and forever being ... your name ... the most helpful ... your profession ... in ... your State or city ... that the world would ever know.


PRICE: $297 per year or $29/month

RATING: ✭✭✭✭✭

Excited? Click this now and get into action.


You're an independent professional. You know in your heart that you're good at what you do. The problem is, "sales or marketing is not your forte."

Very dis-empowering thought, isn't it? I should know. I've been there. From the day that I have decided that I "am" (I put that in quotes because that is a very important word) a team leadership coach, I've been bugged by questions like, "Who on earth cares about leadership coaches? What are leadership coaches, anyway? No one knows! Because they don't know, you don't have a prayer, PJ!"

One day I got sick of these "inner" devils and decided to prove them wrong. After thorough search, I ended up with actionplan.com.

Man, it just blew my mind. It fitted my situation to a tee! Its free PDF about "10 Marketing Mistakes That Push Away Clients" and the post about the "7 Principles" and Marketing Scorecard all floored me. (You just have to click this now and see them yourself for free.) That's when I told myself, I just got to be part of this program!

The rest was history. Not only am I absolutely confident about being in the niche that I'm in, I'm also able to communicate myself very clearly -- in social and professional occasions, as well as in my website -- what I do. I'm astounded by the quality of remarks, emails and calls that I get these days, among them questions like, "Would you sign today, sir?"


  • This is very specifically designed for the needs of independent professionals. There's not much like this out there.
  • It teaches you not just the skills of marketing yourself online, but how to play the game in general. Again, most stuff out there are about skills and not about the whole ball game.
  • The Fast Track Program is the perfect format for this kind of thing. I mean, you don't read yourself through this thing. You would need mentors and classmates to let the principles seep into you to get your money's worth --- and that's exactly what the Fast Track Program provides.
  • Given the value you would get in return, the price is very reasonable.


  • This is not a program that provides you with a marketing template. Look for it somewhere else, not here.
  • This program does not provide answers. What it provides are questions, which you have to answer very honestly in order to get the most out of this program.
  • This program teaches you how to build your professional website, but you would have to invest on a web host, domain name and website development separately.
  • The Fast Track Program can be absolutely uncomfortable, when you take the course very seriously. So, get into it with the proper attitude and discipline.


Are you good at what you do as an independent professional, but you're struggling with how to tell the world about what you can do for them? Click this now and let Robert Middleton teach you how to get over the hump. There isn't much like this out there.

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