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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Action Marketing Plan at ActionPlan.com - Review

ActionPlan.com is an action marketing plan membership program for independent professionals who want to attract more clients to their businesses.


This course is a marketing membership program designed for independent professionals, such as consultants, speakers, coaches, trainers, therapists, ophthalmologists, writers, performers, designers, financial planners, accountants, attorneys, doctors, dentists, veterinarians, architects and engineers. It is for any professional service business owner who wants to attract more clients and fill their calendar with dollar-earning hours.

No doubt, you're sincere about helping others with your expertise. But a good portion of you psyche is abuzz with perceptions that sales and marketing are something that you cannot do well and therefore you will not do even with a gun pointed at your head.

When you discover that such perceptions are nothing but flies buzzing around a dung heap, you discover ways of marketing yourself and selling your services, while always and forever being ... your name ... the most helpful ... your profession ... in ... your State or city ... that the world would ever know.


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

ProWorkFlow Easy Project Management - Review

ProWorkFlow Easy Project Management is a subscription-based online tool for tracking the progress of tasks in an organized setting of any size.


Growing big in business has its hazards, I just found out. For one thing, you'll realize that you're always on your phone, following up people. It would seem like nothing moves without you hissing on someone's back.

With Proworkflow, you don't have to do that. People -- including you and me -- are more effective when given sufficient space. But people still need to be guided closely, wherever they are, using a system that they can easily learn and adopt. That's what ProfWorkflow is all about.


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